
High frequency circuits are basically composed of passive components, active components, and passive networks. Passive linear components in high-frequency circuits mainly include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. High frequency circuits, in simple terms, are radio circuits, but do not involve microwave circuits (microwave is used to process circuits above 1000 megahertz, starting from the electromagnetic field in physics, which is very different from common circuits). They are used for transmitting, receiving, modulating, demodulating, amplifying radio waves, and so on.
Radio Frequency (RF) is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency, which refers to the frequency of electromagnetic waves that can radiate into space, ranging from 300kHz to 300GHz. Radio frequency is radio frequency current, which is a shorthand for high-frequency alternating current electromagnetic waves. An alternating current that changes less than 1000 times per second is called a low-frequency current, and a current that changes more than 10000 times is called a high-frequency current, and radio frequency is such a high-frequency current.

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