A filter is a frequency selective device that allows specific frequency components in a signal to pass through while greatly attenuating other frequency components. By utilizing the frequency selection function of filters, interference noise can be filtered out or spectral analysis can be performed. In other words, any device or system that can pass specific frequency components in a signal while greatly attenuating or suppressing other frequency components is called a filter. A filter is a device that filters waves. Wave “is a very broad physical concept, and in the field of electronic technology, it is narrowly limited to specifically describing the process by which the values of various physical quantities fluctuate over time. This process is converted into a time function of voltage or current through the action of various sensors, which is called the time waveform of various physical quantities or signals. Because the independent variable time takes continuous values, it is called a continuous time signal, also known as an analog signal.
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Beneficiary Bank Name: JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Hong Kong Branch
Beneficiary Bank Code: 007
Beneficiary Bank Address: 18/F, 20/F, 22-29/F, CHATER HOUSE 8 CONNAUGHT ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG
Beneficiary Account Number: 63007973799
Alipay ID: 15017213399
Last Name: CHEN
First Name: JIA SHAN
City: Shenzhen
Country: China